Our commercial scale plant
Our Sustainable Energy Centre
Global centre of excellence
- We have invested over £35m so far into our fully operational world-first pressurised advanced gasification plant, which is currently producing hydrogen-rich syngas for conversion into multiple energy vectors at commercial-scale
- Our plant takes different types of feedstocks and generates syngas for renewable obligation certificates (ROCs) accredited electricity and from 2023 onwards will generate advanced fuels
- Our flagship facility is a global Centre of Excellence for innovative and emerging technologies in the Midlands, UK
- The centre will operate full end-to-end configuration from waste reception to waste-to-fuels production with CO2 capture
- We are the first waste gasification plant in the UK to receive an end-of-waste permit
- The plant operates with a dedicated technical and operational team working in a 24/7 live environment

Flagship commercial-scale demonstration plant
We are de-risking the pathway into commercialisation by
- Demonstrating running hours and established O&M protocols for the supply chain to assess
- Operating a live environment for feedstock providers to assess reliability of the technology to process specified waste feedstocks
- Showcasing commercial-scale waste-to-fuels and CCUS solutions before making them available to the market
- Designing our modular plants with the same process and scale of this facility – providing a de-risked technology solution for commercial deployment
- Demonstrating a net-zero innovation agenda
- Inviting key stakeholders, partners and customers to visit and see our technology in operation and meet key members of the team